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Group exercise classes

Come along to my fun and empowering group exercise classes where you will meet like-minded people all supporting each other and keeping fit together!

Your Instructor


Kirsty Conlin

Pricing & Location


There are currently no group classes running 




The Benefits

Be part of a community.
It may sound cliché, but it’s true. Being part of a “fit fam” can actually be hugely beneficial. By being part of a community, you can find support and guidance from people who are on the same journey as you. Whether that journey is to better your health and wellness or improve your strength and endurance, there will always be someone who has your back.

1. Motivation
It's inspiring and motivating to be surrounded by dedicated, like-minded individuals. It doesn't get much more empowering than a class with an encouraging instructor and supportive people all working hard together. Group fitness is a great way to help motivate yourself and others to dig deeper and push harder in workouts.

2. Structure
Group fitness is a great way to get a workout in without having to think or plan. Each class is structured with a warm-up, a balanced workout and a cool-down.

The warm-up is designed to help you properly raise your heart rate while loosening your joints and muscles before jumping into strenuous activity. The instructor will coach you through each segment of the workout.
The cool-down will help you safely lower your heart rate and stretch all the major muscles worked during class.

3. Proper Form
It's the fitness instructor's job to not only show proper form, but to also make sure that everyone in the class is executing each exercise the right way. Not only is proper form important for your muscles to reap the most out of every exercise, but it also helps eliminate potential injuries.

4. Variety
Find out what kind of exercise you enjoy! Having a variety of classes in your weekly workout regimen is a great way to create muscle confusion, which keeps your body guessing and ramps up your metabolism.


Doing the same moves over and over again can get stale and it also might be hindering your results. Adding variety to your workout is one of the best ways to prevent plateau, and group exercise classes are an easy way to switch things up.

5. Accountability
This is a great way to keep yourself accountable for your workouts. If you're signed up and it's on your weekly schedule, there's a good chance you won't skip it.

6. Fun
There's really no other way to put it: Group fitness classes are fun. Between the upbeat music, a great workout and a group of people motivating each other along the way, it's an enjoyable way to exercise. If you're looking to add a little more inspiration and fun in your fitness life, group classes may be just what you need.

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